Our Customer

All-Inclusive Retail Execution Management Platform

​ Scaling the Growth Story. At Pace
Configurable Campaign and POSM Execution
Merchandising campaigns vary widely across brands and need to be tailored to outlet category, product assortment, seasonality, and more. Empowering merchandisers with a mobile retail merchandising software is essential for meeting dynamic execution needs.  1Channel's software features a robust activity builder and configurable data list framework, enabling the creation of a customised mobile app interface for planning, executing, and maintaining any merchandising campaign or POSM deployment.  Real-time access to coverage and execution quality data facilitates quick, actionable decisions.
Flexible Compliance Management​
Brands follow strict retail execution guidelines for visibility, product placement, and shelf displays. Ensuring compliance, whether by visual merchandisers or retail outlets, requires a flexible mobile retail execution solution for tracking and auditing.  Our no-code activity builder allows for defining compliance surveys and replicating them on its mobile app. Workflow automation can audit compliance data and trigger actions for any deviations.  
Insightful Market Intelligence​
Retail environments are dynamic, requiring continuous ground-level information for tactical decisions. A retail merchandising software solution must be easily configurable to capture relevant data without needing frequent training.  Our retail merchandising software's dynamic form builder allows instant configuration and deployment of new data capture needs, such as share of shelf data, feedback on new products, or changes in competition activity, all within an hour.
Comprehensive Retail Audit and Maintenance​
In-store branding, including signages, fixtures, and displays, is crucial for maximising marketing ROI.   1Channel's retail merchandising software features comprehensive contact management for seamless collaboration among store staff, merchandisers, vendors, and managers. Its configurable activity builder and workflow automation tie all activities, from audit to issue resolution, into a single thread with predefined TAT and escalation matrix.  
retail merchandising software features
retail merchandising software features

Features for Field Users​

User Level Dashboard
& Reports

Helps field executives with self target v/s achievement levels, pending deliveries and overall scores.

Al-Integration Capability

For MSL Compliance, triggers, SOS level data, app can integrate with AI engine to improve field executives' productivity and reporting accuracy.

In-app Camera

Doesn't allow using images from phone gallery to ensure data is captured in real time.

Offline Data Capture

App has ability to capture and store data offline and sync whenever network is available.

In-app Leaderboards

Visibility to field executives’ about their self ranking and performance.

Customized Notification

Customized notification/information about any schemes can be communicated to field users by just a couple of clicks.

Geofencing and Timestamp

App ensures that field executive is physically present at the store.

Impact created by Retail Merchandising Execution

Increase in
Improvement in Merchandising
Team's Productivity
Reduction in
Increase in
Share of Shelf
Faster POSM

Let’s do great things together

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is retail merchandising execution software and how does it benefit my business?

What features should I look for when choosing retail merchandising execution software?